We’re Scouts and everyone’s welcome here. We’d love you to join our team of go-getters, doers and give-it-a-goers. Find out how you can make it even better.
Volunteering is easier than you think. You can give as much or as little time as you like.
Give young people the skills they need to succeed and find out how Scouts can be just as rewarding for you.
As a Section Team Member, you will be part of our Section Teams supporting one of our Sections:
- Squirrels – 4-6 year olds
- Beavers – 6-8 year olds
- Cubs – 8-10.5 year olds
- Scouts 10.5-14 year olds
- Explorers 14-18 year olds
Sections meet once a week during term time, but it’s fine if you can’t make every week, just turn up for the weeks you can.
The Section Team plans, delivers, and runs quality programmes safely. They make sure all young people can take part in the programme and gain skills for life. They also help young people work towards their Top Awards.
With a brilliant programme, each young person can make a positive impact in society as they step up, speak up, and find their place in the world.
As part of a team you don’t need to have all the skills, or know everything, you just need to have a positive attitude and willing to get involved, and there is always support around you at all times.
Read more about the Section Team Member Role (opens in new tab)
To apply for this role, please complete the Section Team Member Application Form (opens in new tab)